Wednesday, 18 December 2013

I'm Gonna Call Him Stampy... of Approval!

Over the past few days, I've been thinking about how to write a "Sigh, Christmas is here without word from the agency yet"-type post, but GOOD NEWS everyone! I don't have to! Yay!

I was just nonchalantly checking my phone as I got home from work today, going for the time and weather report, when ooh, an email from Shelley with a subject line of "Approval Letter", and in the preview lines I could see that she received our Ontario Ministry approval, and written a big fat "YAY!" :D

As I sat there trying to decide if this was news-worthy enough of some clever artsy announcement (nah, that'll come later), my phone rang, and it was mom, with what I assumed to be mother's intuition, as most of our non-urgent conversations are through text. Turned out not so much, but rather that my Grandmaman needed to be assured that I had not perished in that (thankfully non-lethal) fire several blocks from my house yesterday. So she got to hear it first, then, oddly enough, I got a call-waiting beep from Mike, who got to hear second; both within about five minutes of me, and everyone's happy! What a nice Christmas gift for us all! 

We're still a long way from the finish line in this journey, but BIG sigh of relief that we've cleared another leg with no roadblocks or speedbumps or detours or u-turns.... I watch too much Amazing Race, don't I? On our next episode, we need to get approval from Thailand, which Shelley said should take abut four weeks, so I'm hoping to be posting again with more smiley faces by February. After that, we'll be in the Final Four - matching, approval from us and our team, all the stuff we'll have to do in Thailand, and the six months of post-placement homestudy.

And I had a fun article in my back pocket that I was going to post along with my anticipated sad-still-waiting post to lighten things up, but I'll put it here anyway. A place in Bangkok topped the "The Most Instagrammed Building of 2013" list, and I'll give up chocolate for the rest of my life if you can guess what the building is before you click here!

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