Monday, 16 February 2015

Change is Scary!

Still no news, nope nope nope, but we did get an email from Shelley the other day, with the word "news" in the subject line. Not our news, though, Shelley's - there were cuts at the agency and she is being let go. We're very sad about that, can't imagine what it's like to lose your career. It's also terrifying on our end, because this is one of very few names and faces of people we have who are in charge of making us a party of three! Eep. She says Darlene at the agency will be taking over the Thailand program, and Pen will still be there as the liaison. Darlene currently runs the China program, so it looks like she will be a very busy lady. Anyway, what does this mean for our adoption timelines? Probably nothing, but it's a little stressful - like changing your OB-GYN after a successful and smooth first trimester with one you like and trust. Deep breaths.

We did get to meet Darlene before this news came to us, in exotic Newmarket Ontario at Workshop #2 of our journey. I got an email a few months prior from Shelley saying that there was an AdopTalk coming up and that we should go. This is a seminar run by CB that all parents must attend at some point before adoption. She says they run them maybe once every six months to a year, but we'd better go to this one, just in case we're matched, it would suck way too much to have to wait for another one! So we went and I liked it better than PRIDE - it was all for international adoptions, so it was a lot more useful. We got to meet a couple who are also about a year in waiting for Thailand too, AND we got to spend an afternoon with a couple and their son who was adopted from there two years ago. Such a nice family and a happy kid! And they're going back for round two! I liked this part a lot, they told us all about the actual travel part and that Pen and the CB just took care of everything! Basically we'll just be going on a five-star vacation and get this wicked souvenir at the end of it. :D 
Kitties I made at AdopTalk... ?
ALL VEGAN RESTAURANT!!! Highlight of Newmarket...

Handsome husband reading on the train... one day we'll add pics of Som Kid to this blog

So... that's where we're at. Not much progress, but we've still not been stopped. Maybe some more changes coming up in our lives - it depends on you, Som Kid! Hurry up and get here and all will be well!

And now, more Thai name hilarity.